Academic requirements for local psychology diplomas and degrees

Psychology is becoming such a popular subject and program that there are a lot of schools (private and government-funded) that offers psychology programs. In this post, I will mainly focus on the local and non-private institutions as they tend to be the most popular, and the ones which tend to be thought of first when considering for diploma and degree programs. The [...]

By |2021-11-19T11:31:10+08:00June 16, 2012|studying psychology|0 Comments

Analogies: The Healthy Diet Pyramid

I have brought this analogy up in previous posts but it may not be obvious to how it also symbols the education and work specificity of people studying psychology. This is something we all learnt in primary and secondary schools in Singapore in health education. It is the Healthy Diet Pyramid. This picture is from the Health Promotion Board of [...]

By |2021-11-19T11:34:17+08:00June 6, 2012|studying psychology|0 Comments

Years of training to become a psychologist

This question has been asked a couple of times, but it has not been really answered before. So how long do you need to take to become a psychologist (in Singapore and other countries)? I'll start the topic with the explaining what the difference is between "membership" and "registration". Membership is where you become a member (of whatever level) of [...]

By |2021-11-19T11:41:36+08:00March 16, 2012|Careers, studying psychology|0 Comments

Accreditation of overseas programs

You may be asking: "Why is it important that my program is accredited?" and "What is accreditation?" According to APS, accreditation "refers to the process of external assessment to determine if a course (and the higher education provider offering the course) meet the Australian Psychology Accreditation Council (APAC) Accreditation Standards for Psychology Courses. Courses which do not achieve APAC accreditation [...]

By |2021-11-19T11:43:18+08:00February 16, 2012|Careers, studying psychology|0 Comments

Firstly, Happy New Year to everyone!! Towards the new year, everyone would be deciding on which courses they are going to take, with their O's and A's levels results to be out soon. So this post will be focused on whether a student would be suitable to take up psychology as  a choice of study. For choices of programs to [...]

By |2021-08-10T20:46:23+08:00December 31, 2011|studying psychology|0 Comments

SGPsychStud: Interest vs Passion

So are u studying (or into) psychology because you like it or love it? Yes I am asking you if you LIKE it or LOVE it.... You may think "Why ask such a strange question?" and "What does it have to do with studying psychology?" Answer: It has everything to do with psychology and pretty much many other things in [...]

By |2021-11-19T17:05:42+08:00October 27, 2011|Careers|0 Comments

Jobs (Part 3): Which job is suitable for me?

As we know, there are many psych-related jobs out there, and as we know, not all of us get to be psychologists, and some of us may be studying psychology not because we want to be psychologists. The studies could be just an interest for some, or just a stepping stone for others, and for the rest of them, a [...]

By |2021-08-10T20:52:54+08:00September 27, 2011|Careers|0 Comments