Jobs and job prospects (Part 1)

I should get this started as this is one of the main issues and thoughts when people start studying psychology. I will use the term "job"" rather than "career" as "career" has an inclination towards a long-term planning to reach a certain position and job. Will I be able to get a job?? What job will I be able to [...]

By |2021-11-19T17:05:26+08:00August 10, 2011|studying psychology|0 Comments

Can I get in Honours / Masters?? [Caution: Post may be distressful for some]

There is no explicit rule on how much you need to get into these post-Bachelors education. However, I will try to give you an idea of what happening as you try to transition from Bachelors to Honours to Masters. Most people who come into the area of psychology somehow will have a dream of being a psychologist, however let us [...]

By |2021-08-11T16:04:15+08:00August 1, 2011|studying psychology|0 Comments

About Psychology and Qualifications in Psychology

What is Psychology? From the SPS: "Psychology is one of the fastest-growing university subjects around the world, and it is becoming more and more available as a service in the community. There is an increasing number of psychologists in Singapore. The general public and organisations want to be more fully informed about who psychologists are and also their professional skills. Psychologists [...]

By |2021-08-11T20:30:35+08:00July 25, 2011|General Psychology|0 Comments